June 2011
http://www.makstripovi.com продолжува со презентација на авторите и мини изложби во Позитив кафе
TheMico и неговите дела ќе бидат претставени оваа неделаhttp://www.makstripovi.com продолжува со презентација на авторите и мини изложби во Позитив кафе
Здравко Гиров и неговите дела ќе бидат претставени оваа недела.Tajfa Art (Davor Dramikanin, Igor Jovchevski & Zdravko Girov)
Annual award for Comic afirmation in Macedonia
There will be our exibition
This is the cover for the catalogue (specialy made for this occasion)
Art: Igor Jovchevski
Color: Davor Dramikanin
the Tajfa Art (Davor Dramikanin, Igor Jovchevski & Zdravko Girov)
will received the annual award for contribution in the Macedonian Comics
The main illustration of the Tajfa artists will be soon finished
In meantime, we get an EXTRA drawing for our team by Damjan-Ferwar
More about Damjan:
Foto's of the comic festival coming soon, here are some links of our promotion before we went to the festival